Sunday 13 July 2014

tips of glowing skin - how to get smooth and glowing skin

Glowing skin is dream of every girl and woman, but demand attention and care. Beauty enhancer products and coast of beauticians are expensive and mostly women cannot afford it however, some simple homemade tips can glow your skin. Homemade beauty tips are used all over the world because they are coasts effective, easy and less time taken. Here, we have some useful homemade beauty tips for glowing skin
1. Blend a banana with milk and apply on your face and neck about eight to ten minutes and then wash with cold water and you will feel the difference in your skin.
2. Apply pure natural honey on your face for about twenty minutes and then wash it with normal or cold water and it leaves your skin soft and glowing.
3. Takes one tablespoon walnut powder, lemon juice and honey and make a scrub your face and should contact with your face until drying and then wash your face with cold water. It is for oily skin.
4. Take two tablespoon turmeric powder and add orange juice and paste on to your face and it should remain for twenty minutes and then wash it with mild cold water, it leaves your skin soft and glowing.
5. Take dry orange peels and crush them and add a little milk and apply this mixture on your face for about twenty minutes then wash it. This is for fair glowing skin.
6. Drink more water or according to your doctor advice.
7. Take natural fruits and vegetables and avoid artificial flavors.
8. Avoid direct sunlight and pollution.
9. Do not take junks foods.
10. Clean your face after makeup and use moisturizer.
are used all over the world because they are coasts effective, easy and less time taken. Here, we have
some useful


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