Sunday 13 July 2014

tips of grapefruit - beauty benefits of grapefruit

Beauty benefits of grapefruit

Consuming or adding the grapefruit in the face mask add the extra shine to you as it is having various minerals, vitamin A, Vitamin C and antioxidants too.
Owning the mineral of potassium, grapefruit fights the harmful sun rays and handles the wrinkles and dark spots on the face.Where the vitamin C and antioxidants protect from the environment dusts.

Skin smoother
Yes! grapefruit is having the capacity to smooth your skin, the amino acids of grapefruit makes the skin more tight and soft. The antioxidant retinol of the fruit also has the same character of smoothing the skin.

Weight loss
The three ingredients less sodium, high water content and high enzymes present in the grape fruit moulded it as a super food for increasing body metabolism rate, Try eating grape fruit and notice how it performs magic in the weight loss.


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