Wednesday 27 August 2014



1250 ml crushed tomatoes ( *around 15 large , ripe plum or roma tomatoes, blanched, peeled and coarsely chopped [I used 5 cups Italian strained tomatoes (plain, without any herbs)]
2 tablespoons unscented oil
Large handful of mixed herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage)
2 - 3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large onion, diced

2 cloves
4 tablespoons Worcester sauce
2 teaspoons Tabasco sauce

1/2 cup sugar, or to taste
Salt to taste
750g white beans (haricot or navy, I used small white beans)

1/2 teaspoon baking soda (bicarb of soda)  


Soak the beans in cold water overnight. The next day wash and drain them, then cover with cold water, add the baking soda, and cook them for about 1 hour on a medium heat till they are tender, and just beginning to split. Drain and keep aside.

Note: Here's an alternate method, if you aren't organized enough to soak overnight - Pick over and wash the beans, cover with cold water. Then bring to the boil over high heat, let boil for 4 minutes, then turn off the heat. Cover and soak for 1 hour, then cook as normal.

In a big, heavy pot heat the oil and toss the onion in it. Sauté for about 5 - 10 minutes on a medium heat and then add the chopped herbs and the garlic. Stir and cook for another minute or two, until the garlic is fragrant. Add the tomatoes, breaking them up a bit. 

Add the Worcester and Tabasco sauces, cloves, sugar and salt. Stir and simmer for about 20 minutes. Let cool completely.

When cool, puree well in a blender till it turns to a smooth sauce. Return to the pan, taste and readjust seasoning.

Add the beans to the sauce mixture and cook on a low heat for at least 30 - 45 minutes, or more, until the beans are very soft. The beans taste better the next day when they have had a chance to absorb the flavours better, but they're not bad on the day either.

Alternatively, mix the sauce and beans in a heavy pan, cover tightly with a lid or foil and bake in a low oven (around 125 degrees C) for about 2 to 3 hours or until the beans are soft. If making the oven, keep checking to see that the beans haven't dried out. It may be a good idea to reserve some sauce to add to them if they are drying out.

Serve with a full English breakfast or on toast.



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