Wednesday 10 September 2014

RECIPE OF Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil IN ENGLISH | CHINESE - HOW TO COOK Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil IN ENGLISH | CHINESE


200g beef and 80g lettuce
Seasonings: 50g garlic and chives, 5g ginger, 7g dried red chili peppers, 2g peppers, 1 egg, 2g salt, 20g wet starch, 20g thick broad-bean sauce, 15g soy sauce, 30g cooking oil, 20g cooking wine, 5g chili powder, and some soup-stock (or chicken soup).
Note: The amount of the seasonings listed above can be adjusted according to personal taste.


  • Clean and slice the beef. Starch the sliced beef with the egg white, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine and wet starch. Stir the beef with some tea oil and freeze for a while in an icebox if possible.
  • Clean and tear the lettuce. Clean and cut the chives into small pieces. Clean and mince the garlic.

Cooking Instructions:

  • Heat some cooking oil. Add and stir-fry the dried red chili peppers and thick broad-bean sauce. Pour in the soup-stock. Boil the soup on high heat.
  • Add the beef. Stir and cook until it is heated through. Meanwhile, put the lettuce at the bottom of a bowl. When the beef is done, tip it onto the lettuce. Pour the soup into the bowl and sprinkle with chives, garlic and chili powder.
  • Heat some cooking oil and add it and water to the beef in the bowl at the same time.
  • The poached sliced beef in hot chili oil is finished.





        干净,切片牛肉。淀粉牛肉片用蛋清,盐,酱油,料酒,湿淀粉。    挑起一些茶油,冷冻牛肉中的冰箱,如果可能的一段时间。


        烧热少许食用油。加入煸炒干的红辣椒和厚宽豆瓣酱。倒入高汤。    熬的汤高热量。


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